Innovation From Computer Science To Digital Farming

As more companies turn to digital farming to streamline their operations, there is a larger demand for technology that can support the coming changes. As the world’s population increases, so does the demand for a steady supply of healthy and nutritious food. For many businesses, adopting digital farming means using a self-serve system, a tablet…

Electronic Couture – Art and Science

Electro Couture is the name of the international fashion magazine created in 1970 by Ferenc Lorant, a Hungarian-born fashion designer and experimental artist. Lorant created the magazine with the goal of bringing about “Fashion as Art”. Electro Couture was designed to be humorous and edgy arts and entertainment magazine. It was released two years after…

One year of experiments

I strongly believe on experimentation as a way to develop new skills and explore new solutions. This is why, 1 year ago, I decided to initiate a series of experiences to check latest technologies and how could I put them to use and generate insights to my current business priorities. I have tried different aspects…

Learning from Sports’s related businesses

Consider the most prosperous small business people you know. For instance, if you’re running sports goods business then it’s possible to use customized sports bottles to market your business. A company is merely a group of folks working with each other to accomplish a set objective. They implement different models of data analysis to enhance…

Do we really need to be working in a same location?

Our world is connected like it was never before. People have the ability to communicate almost in any part of the world and most recently even during flights. So, if we are connected constantly and most of us already own devices capable of connecting video and voice with extreme good quality, why do we still…

Simple guide to Scrum

Cycle time is a significant metric for kanban teams. Knowing the fundamental aspects of Scrum will make it possible for you to nourish and support thriving development teams. As usually, there is absolutely no need to await an official event to inspect and adapt. When it’s adopted, a number of its practices are inconsistent with…